Operations Department

The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines for the operation of the barrel treatment system. This procedure applies to ail operations personnel assigned responsibilities for treating wastes. The Facility Manager wili approve any deviations from this procedure.

ENRECO Barrel Solidification System or Equivalent


3.1 Prerequisites
3.1.1 The barrel treatment system will be located within the Inspection/ Repackaging enclosure.

3.1.2 An approved RWP shall be prepared for treatment of waste.

3.1.3 Ensure turntable is rotating prior to operation.

3.1.4 Ensure oil level is visible in the sight glass and above the pickup tube inlet at all times.

3.1.5 The Laboratory Manager and the Radiation Safety Officer must pre-determine the amount
of reagent or solidification agent to be used in any treatment process. This information
will be delivered to Operations.

3.2 Operation
3.2.1 Raise the paddle.

3.2.2 Jog the turntable with the ON/OFF switch so that the opening of the locking mechanism
faces the doors.

3.2.3 Open the doors.

3.2.4 Place an approved 55-gallon drum onto the turntable using approved barrel handling

3.2.5 Secure the drum with the locking mechanism and close doors. Keep Doors closed at all
times except when loading and unloading. Never operate the barrel mixer with the doors

3.2.6 Once the barrel is securely fastened, fill the drum approximately 2/3 full by using tygon
tubing and transfer pump or similar method.

3.2.7 When the drum is 2/3 full, secure the transfer pump and drain the residual liquid from the
tygon tubing into the drum. After draining, place plastic bags with absorbent material over
each end of the tygon tubing and tape seal.

3.2.8 Close the mixer doors and turn the Barrel Mixer on.

3.2.9 SLOWLY lower the paddle into the barrel.

3.2.10 After the paddle is lowered into the barrel completely, mix the liquid for at least three
(3) minutes before adding any reagents.

3.2.11 After (3) minutes, slowly add reagents.

3.2.12 When the mixture begins to stiffen, SLOWLY remove the paddle, scraping all excess
from the paddle back into the barrel. Never leave the paddle in the mixture as it may
become impossible to remove.

3.2.13 When the paddle is free of excess and fully removed from the barrel, wipe down the
paddie with absorbent material.

3.2.14 Turn the Barrel Mixer OFF and jog the locking mechanism gate to open door.

3.2.15 Remove the drum from the turntable using approved drum handling equipment.

3.2.16 Cap the drum but do not bolt into place.

3.2.17 Radiation Safety will perform a contamination and radiation survey on the exterior surface
of the drum and tag the drum stating existing conditions. A sample will be taken to verify
LDR. The drum may be stored for a waiting period within the inspection enclosure.

3.2.18 After the waiting period, the drum will be uncapped and inspected by the Operations
Supervisor and/or Waste Acceptance Specialist for free standing liquids.

3.2.19 If there is no freestanding liquid, the drum shall be capped, bolted, and resurveyed. The
drum shall then be labeled in accordance with DOT shipping requirements and the waste
acceptance criteria of the intended burial site.

3.2.20 The Waste Acceptance Specialist or the Operations Supervisor will update the facility
radioactive waste tracking system.

3.2.21 The drum shall be smear surveyed by the RST, removed from the enclosure and
transferred to Interim Storage for off-site shipment to the intended burial site.

3.3 Abnormal Situations
3.3.1 In the event of an abnormal situation, the following actions shall be taken:

1. Immediately notify Radiation Safety.

2. Remove the mixing paddle from the drum and place into a plastic bag with absorbent material.

3. Secure the Barrell Solidification System in a safe manner in accordance with manufacturers owner's manual.

4. Place the drum lid onto the drum, and put the area into a safe radiological condition.

5. Exit the enclosure in accordance with Radiation Safety instructions and proceed
directly to the assembly area identified by Radiation Safety.




Barrel Solidification System Manual
TRCR Part 21, Standards for Protection Against Radiation